Wobbler urban dictionary. Brainpan. Wobbler urban dictionary

 BrainpanWobbler urban dictionary  * The act of losing is called jobbing and a frequent loser is referred to as a jobber

by Penis wobblers McGee October 2, 2019. Define a Word. More random definitions. 1. throw a wobbler WHAT DOES THROW A WOBBLERMEAN IN ENGLISH? Definition of throw a wobblerin the English dictionary The definition of throw a wobblerin the dictionaryis to become suddenly very agitated or angry. Wackeldackel]toys Kupplungszapfen {m} [Fertigung]tech. 7 Vocabulary Helper [home, info] wobbler: LookWAYup Translating Dictionary/Thesaurus [home, info] wobbler: Dictionary/thesaurus [home, info] Business (1 matching dictionary) wobbler: Everybody's Legal Dictionary [home, info] Medicine (1 matching dictionary) wobbler: Medical dictionary [home, info] Miscellaneous (1. Hence the name "Shelf Wobbler". Since you are grabbed, you cannot do anything. A drunk , little person in a turkey costume. The wobble, it comes! by LopezFold November 17, 2008 Get the Wobble. əl. Southern (North America) slang for the blackened souls of one's bare feet - dirty feet. wacky wobbler [bobblehead figure] Wackelfigur {f} [Wackelkopffigur]toys wobbler disease Wobbler-Syndrom {n}VetMed. It is a mark of disrespect to refer to a wrestler as a jobber, as it implies they are a failure in their career. • Perform unlimited searches for free, forever • Define any word, whether it's slang or not • Vote on definitions you like • Share on Facebook, Twitter, txt and email • See the full text of any definition wobbler: WordNet 1. Slang for ~term~ As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " term " are listed above. 7 Vocabulary Helper [home, info] wobbler: LookWAYup Translating Dictionary/Thesaurus [home, info] wobbler: Dictionary/thesaurus [home, info] Business (1 matching dictionary) wobbler: Everybody's Legal Dictionary [home, info] Medicine (1 matching dictionary) wobbler: Medical dictionary [home, info] Miscellaneous (1 matching. Derived from Romani language word "beng" meaning devil or satan. B. OFFICIAL Urban Dictionary app! Urban Dictionary is the online dictionary with definitions written by everyone. Big pale wobbling tit's. 7 Vocabulary Helper [home, info] wobbler: LookWAYup Translating Dictionary/Thesaurus [home, info] wobbler: Dictionary/thesaurus [home, info] Business (1 matching dictionary) wobbler: Everybody's Legal Dictionary [home, info] Medicine (1 matching dictionary) wobbler: Medical dictionary [home, info] Miscellaneous (1. 추가 예 SMART Vocabulary: 관련된 단어 및 문구 wobbler noun [C] (CRIME) US 37 Disgusting Urban Dictionary Definitions You Definitely Shouldn’t Try At Home. wobbler anlam, tanım, wobbler nedir: 1. Slang for ~term~ As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " term " are listed above. a person who is uncertain what to do or who changes repeatedly between two opinions: 2. A method of masturbation where a girl sits on her foot and rocks forward and back 'till she comes. Note that due to the nature of the algorithm, some results returned by your query may only be concepts, ideas or words that are related to " term " (perhaps tenuously). 丹,別晃桌子好嗎? figurative The company's shares wobbled with the news of a foreign takeover bid. a person or thing that is shaking, or that moves from side to side in a way that shows poor balance: She accused her brother of being a big obese wobbler. RT @CheriJacobus: Urban dictionary 29 Dec 2021 A humanoid creature found in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (TABS). Also known as a cock wobbler danza or Daniels. WORDS THAT BEGIN LIKE THROW A WOBBLER throw throw a wobbly throw about throw cold water on throw cold water on something throw down A wobbler is a special class of crimes involving conduct that varies widely in its level of seriousness. wobbler的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. 37 Disgusting Urban Dictionary Definitions You Definitely Shouldn’t Try At Home. A knob-wobbler can also be defined as an angry dickhead. Flag. Aka shoelaces. a person who is uncertain what to do or who changes repeatedly between two opinions: 2. The Bill was the title of a television police series in the UK, based in a fictional London borough. To move or rotate with an uneven or. 7 Vocabulary Helper [home, info] wobbler: LookWAYup Translating Dictionary/Thesaurus [home, info] wobbler: Dictionary/thesaurus [home, info] Business (1 matching dictionary) wobbler: Everybody's Legal Dictionary [home, info] Medicine (1 matching dictionary) wobbler: Medical dictionary [home, info] Miscellaneous (1 matching. The act of sitting on a pie, naked, then moving around and masturbating with the pie fillings. At the time, it was. As the word's been used since the earliest Colonial settlements of Australia, many Aussies mistakenly believe the word is archaic and no-longer used. Also, a person who is operating a vehicle in a manner that causes the above appearance. But lucky for you, the brave contributors of Urban Dictionary are not normal. 那個書架你一放東西就搖搖晃晃。 Don't wobble the table, please, Dan. More examples. bocalayan: 4: General: wobbler n. A wobbler is a special class of crimes involving conduct that varies widely in its level of seriousness. It was. See more. See more words with the same meaning: sex, sexual intercourse. Trust us when we say you’ll want to put down your. Not exactly an insult, but mostly just to point out you need to wash yo' dirty-ass feet. 1650–60; <Low German akin to Old Norse to toddle, Middle High German to waver, Old English to speak incoherently wabble wobbler, Dictionary. Since you are grabbed, you cannot do anything. US, slang for. Slang (1 matching dictionary) wobbler: Urban Dictionary [home, info] (Note: See wobbly for more definitions. Inoffensive name for an Irishman. Douche Wobbler. a session of outdoor sex. More random definitions. 3) "EVERYDAY I'M GOBBLING" is the catchphrase for said student. bəl. ) Quick definitions from WordNet (wobbler) noun: something that wobbles Also see wobbly Words similar to wobbler Usage examples for wobblerwobbler 意味, 定義, wobbler は何か: 1. Often processed in crowded classrooms where it is inapropriate to masturbate in public. 37 Disgusting Urban Dictionary Definitions You Definitely Shouldn’t Try At Home. This is simply due to the way the search algorithm works. verb (used with object),wob·bled,wob·bling. もっと見るessentially an emoticon for blushing; can be any number of slashes depending on how flustered the person iswobbler: WordNet 1. What does throw a wobbler expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. The wobble, it comes! Get the Wobble mug. Loose term for a wanker,someone who is always wobbling his monkey!!The act of taking a full length shaft down ones throat, leaving the balls hanging under the chin making the resemblance of a turkey. : dinden imandan çıkmak1. ( fishing) A fishing lure made to resemble a prey fish and that wobbles in the water; plug, minnow. It was created by wobbles. 4. It’s someone who is prone to outbursts of entirely. A person who is undecided, and might go to either side. Wobblers can be punishable as either a felony or a misdemeanor and. sport dick. The STANDS4 Network. ( colloquial, legal) A case that could go either way depending on factors that cannot be controlled. A tantrum or 'wobbler'. As the most prominent part of the main structure of the boat, however, bowsprit became a slang word for the nose in the mid-1700s. tagging that ass. Meaning: To stare rudely Example: Stop gawking Get outta that garden! Meaning:. a person who is uncertain what to do or who changes repeatedly between two opinions: 2. ) Quick definitions from WordNet (wobbler) noun: something that wobbles Also see wobbly Words similar to wobbler Usage examples for wobblerwobbler definicja: 1. Gobble, Gobble. Trust us when we say you’ll want to put down your. They are in favour of revolutionary unionism and see authoritarian control (such as bosses and politicians) as oppressive. ) Quick definitions from WordNet (wobbler) noun: something that wobbles Also see wobbly Words similar to wobbler Usage examples for wobblerwobbler n. kontrol edilemeyen etkenlere bağlı olarak iki şekilde de sonuçlanabilecek dava: Law: 7. a person who is uncertain what to do or who changes repeatedly between two opinions: 2. A humanoid creature found in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (TABS). British slang term for "the streets" "Although I used to have a job, now I cobble to make ends meet. wobbler ( pl. • Perform unlimited searches for free, forever • Define any word, whether it's slang or not • Vote on definitions you like • Share on Facebook, Twitter, txt and email • See the full text of any definition 1 a : to move or proceed with an irregular rocking or staggering motion or unsteadily and clumsily from side to side b : tremble, quaver 2 : waver, vacillate transitive verb : to cause to wobble wobbler noun or less commonly wabbler ˈwä-b (ə-)lər wobbliness noun or less commonly wabbliness ˈwä-blē-nəs wobbly adjective or less commonly wabbly A wobbler is a special class of crimes involving conduct that varies widely in its level of seriousness. Login . Once magnificent cantaloupes firm and perky, the years have not been kind to them. One of the most common phrases in the Irish language. Trust us when we say you’ll want to put down your. wobbler harrow Taumelegge {f}agr. WORDS THAT BEGIN LIKE THROW A WOBBLER throw throw a wobbly throw about throw cold water on throw cold water on something throw down wobbler significado, definição wobbler: 1. A person who owns a vagina that looks like a rat that has been left out in the rain to die wobbler noun [C] (MOVING) mainly UK. Slang (1 matching dictionary) wobbler: Urban Dictionary [home, info] (Note: See wobbly for more definitions. Wobblers have existed since the dawn of time. A bumcheek wobbler is usually not very smelly and provides great relief to the farting person. Also Old Bill. ) Quick definitions from WordNet (wobbler) noun: something that wobbles Also see wobbly Words similar to wobbler Usage examples for wobblerwobbler: 1 n something that wobbles Type of: thing an artifactwobbler 의미, 정의, wobbler의 정의: 1. a person who is uncertain what to do or who changes repeatedly between two opinions: 2. Stupid mechanic seen in super smash brothers melee which allows ice climbers to get a grab and repeatedly hit you. Still used. Category English Turkish; Idioms: 1: Idioms: throw a wobbler/wobbly v. Urban Dictionary: Throw a wobbler Throw a wobbler Get really angry. Wobblers have existed since the dawn of time. The meaning of WOBBLE is to move or proceed with an irregular rocking or staggering motion or unsteadily and clumsily from side to side. British lad that wears grey tracksuit bottoms pulled down to his kneessomething that falls into a grey area. Last edited on Jun 18 2018. Category English Turkish; Idioms: 1: Idioms: throw a wobbler/wobbly v. One who asks an incredibly stupid question for no apparent reason. Daha fazlasını öğren. Urban Dictionary is. Dowiedź się więcej. Meaning of cockwomble. Burne, The Battlefields of England: Towns fell to him like so many houses of cards; and the fall of each town represented not only an accession to the prestige of the Royalist commander but a. A sensation caused by listening to certain styles of Drum and Bass or Dubstep music. wobblers) ( curling) A stone that rocks from side to side as it travels because it is not resting on its running surface. Wobblers have no facial features, other than two googly eyes. galosh. Some ideas are so repulsive and stupid that no normal human would ever write them down, let alone immortalize them on the Internet. Wobbler definition: (curling) A stone that rocks from side to side as it travels because it is not resting on its running surface. Also, a person who is operating a vehicle in a manner that causes the above appearance. The website was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham. In the work environment this person is generally over paid and always under. . Meaning: Funny or amusing. Preferably full of milk. A woman with a rather nice butt that snap the necks of the male gender as they turn to lookWobbler - To "throw a wobbly" or to "throw a wobbler" means to have a tantrum. g. Urban Dictionary: wobble. A jelly wobbler is an annoying person who nervously shakes one or both knees under the table while casually sitting there, causing the table to shake and thus disturbing anyone else sitting there. Have a tantrum. wobbler definition: 1. wobbler ( pl. Bill. a person who is uncertain what to do or who changes repeatedly between two opinions: 2. Throw a wobbler - Idioms by The Free Dictionary Printer Friendly Meanings of "wobbler" with other terms in English Turkish Dictionary : 9 result(s). A scantily-clad dressed woman, very under the influence or drunk, and cannot maintain balance while walking. Twitter; Facebook; Help; SubscribeA phrase invented on Love Island Australia, the male version of Fanny Flutters1 definition by Big Wobblers Jack Ball Used to describe anyone sitting on their ass not doing a damn thing, just like a Jack ball you would get from Jack in the box . Citation from "The Party", Man Down (TV), Season 3 Episode 6 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site. A person who owns a vagina that looks like a rat that has been left out in the rain to diea person or thing that is shaking, or that moves from side to side in a way that shows poor balance: She accused her brother of being a big obese wobbler. Anyone who has grown too old and infirm to continue at his trade or sport. A sensation caused by listening to certain styles of Drum and Bass or Dubstep music. noun. Used as an insult to highlight one's lack of height and the crappiness of one's job. Urban Dictionary is written by you. Sensitive guy: All I did was point out the roll of fat hanging over the waistband of her new jeans and did she throw a wobbler or what?! What's that all about? I was only being objective. a…wobbler: WordNet 1. Synonyms sudden outburst of anger: see tantrum Derived words & phrases wobbler disease Translations OFFICIAL Urban Dictionary app! Urban Dictionary is the online dictionary with definitions written by everyone. Wobble definition, to incline to one side and to the other alternately, as a wheel, top, or other rotating body when not properly balanced. 자세히 알아보기. Synonyms for throw a wobbler and translation of throw a wobbler to 25 languages. A prostituteWhen you just go mental at someone or something. I hope my jaw heals soon, I hate eating this babyfood. ɚ/ wobblernoun[C](UNCERTAIN) usually disapproving a personwho is uncertainwhat to do or who changesrepeatedlybetween two opinions: They were accusedof being "will-they-won't-they" wobblers. . Twitter;1 definition by West side wobbler. . a…. a crime punishable as either a misdemeanor or a felony at the discretion of the prosecutor. Meanings of "wobbler" with other terms in English Turkish Dictionary : 9 result(s). This term is the only way fit to describe such folk. I wished I'd been. Wobblers can be red or blue. Getting it's name from walking to the 'Jiffy Mart' (a mostly defunct brand of convenience store in the South/ North Florida) in your neighborhood. . Shortened name for Patrick. net dictionary. Stupid mechanic seen in super smash brothers melee which allows ice climbers to get a grab and repeatedly hit you. Tìm hiểu thêm. noun[ C] informal uk/ˈwɒb. B. Wobbling Wobbling When a girl is fine as f*ck and you want to tell her that without sounding like a total douche "hey that girl is sexy !". a person who is uncertain what to do or who changes repeatedly between two opinions: 2. Shirty - "Don't get shirty with me young man" was what my Dad used to tell me when I was little. Learn more. a…. wobblers) ( curling) A stone that rocks from side to side as it travels because it is not resting on its running surface. The term has entered into popular culture, to mean a loser or someone who is worthless,. g. Definition of cockwomble in the Definitions. Example: He is a gas man Gawk . a person who is uncertain what to do or who changes repeatedly between two opinions: 2. A wobbler is known to. Many wobblies subscribe to some form of anarchism. Whenever Johnny is asked to do his job he beats the desk with his phone and threatens people. ( colloquial, legal) A case that could go either way depending on factors that cannot be controlled. Note that due to the nature of the algorithm, some results returned by your query. Aggravator In 19th century slang, aggravators —or haggerawators as Charles Dickens called them—were lose locks of hair hanging over the forehead, like a kiss-curl or cowlick. It is a nickname. Often seen wearing short skirts and high-heels with her knees about to buckle and also yelling " Woo-hoo !". I wished I'd been sensible and worn my flat shoes, not my stiletto wobblers. Publicize your Facebook post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicksOne who asks an incredibly stupid question for no apparent reason. To be a silly goose. Anyone who has grown too old and infirm to continue at his trade or sport. für Walzen]tech. genelde ünlü kişilerin bire bir kopyası olan başı vücudundan büyük ve kafası yayla sallanan oyuncak: Colloquial: 6: Colloquial: wobbler n. Sagged and deflated beyond their former selves they are now wilted wobblers Binding them is the only way to make them resemble their former splendor Either that or a really good push up bra to create that shelf look again These wilted wobblers would well and truly. A vigorous fart that makes your buttocks shake. a…. Publicize your YouTube video on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. Wackelfigur {f} [z. a…. 1) Communal Area is a must.